I get to be a poop cleaning, floor mopin', dinner makin', baby lovin', jack kissin, jack readin', jack chasin', jack playin, jack feedin' domestic engineer or as we were called in the ol' days a SAHM (for those not up on the cool lingo, that's a Stay At Home Mom).
It's not the most popular choice, i know and many people may think i am a little insane for wanting to do laundry, yearning to wipe poopy butts, and begging to cook dinner every night.
But it's what I've always wanted.
have had some great days in the pool.
make yummy dinners
(well MiMi and Jack didn't, thanks Mi for walking the halls with him)

Remember the poster board that was up in your english teachers room
"What's right isn't always popular, and what's popular isn't always right."
It may seem that we are "going against the grain" and maybe we are,
but for us it's what's right.
Thank you to everyone who has helped make our dreams come true.
Thank you to everyone who has helped make our dreams come true.
plus how could i not be home for THIS!
much love, nik