Okay Okay, i know i have totally ignored this sweet blog...
but i've been busy
and so has jackamo...
this is what we've been up to since October :)
making badass gingerbread house at MiMi's on Thanksgiving
learning to eat black olives off our fingers
hangin with auntie whitty and the fam
minna-wee was very jealous of jack's chair
Christmas brunch at the country club
(Jack did indeed get a PONY!!!!
we learned how to ride an ATV
became best friends with Santa
we've been hanging out at MiMi and PaPa's
(we flew out Christmas day and flew back the 1st)
Jack partied super hard on News Years Eve
thank goodness Ms. Gloria was there to hold him
i would love to show you pictures from our Christmas here in
Las Vegas.
With MiMi and PaPa
and Uncle Robbie and Auntie Hilary
but someone broke my camera on
Christmas Eve...
(Jack did indeed get a PONY!!!!
MiMi has been saying he needs a pony since the day he was born
and she really got him one.
Not a real pony mind you, but it does talk and move and rock and wag it's tail!!)
so you gotta bundle up in our house
just kidding
b/c Papa makes FUNNEL CAKES!!!!!
we've been cheering on the Packers!!!
Go Pack!!
i know he looks confused, but we will let him choose
we celebrated our best friends birthday
Happy 2nd Birthday Benjamin
sammy and i celebrated our
5th wedding ANNIVERSARY
i cannot believe it's been 5 years.
i love him more than life
he was more than worth the wait...
i also turned 31. (no biggie)
and yes there is something else i've been busy doing.....
what was it????
oh that's right
bebe #2 is due July 31st

this little bundle of joy is 14 weeks
and the size of a lemon!!
Grow baby Grow!!
We are very surprised and soo stinkin excited.
we are not going to find out the sex,
gonna be surprised
(let's hope i can hold out)
i know jackamo is gonna be the greatest BIG brother ever
we'll have 2 under 2!!
prayers are welcome
so yea.. we've been busy!
busy eating, loving, playing, cleaning, laughing, hangin with the ones we love,
growing (me and jack)
learning and just busy being cute (jack not me)
and here is the video of jackmo's 1st funnel cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!