At least that is what my mom always says...
So the moral of the story would be
or you'll get a strong willed, handsome,
did i mention strong willed,
blond haired beautiful baby boy
who will indeed make you learn some patience.
knowing this i have never even hinted to God that
i would like more patience.
I am however known for saying
"i hate people"
(say it with a whine)
"i used to be a nice person"
"i don't like meeting new people"
well i guess God wanted me to love people and be nice again
b/c He gave me a
last july i started to notice that when jack was
sitting in his highchair
it seemed like his right eye was crossing.
as any mom in the age of (too much) information
does.. i googled
"cross-eyed babies"
oh the horrors that followed.
over the next month i asked everyone to keep an
eye on jack's eyes.
so i figured it must be an optical illusion.
(or my friends and family we just trying to not hurt my feelings)
it started out so subtle that it really was hard to notice.
it did eventually become evident to everyone that his eye
was indeed crossing on a regular basis.
so in august at his 15 month check
we got a referral to an eye doc.
buddy buddy crossed eye...
it turned out that he is farsighted
he can't see close-up.
of course all sorts of things start running through your mind.
how can he have poor eye sight?
i mean he was breast feed,
his 1st "real" food was organic carrots
from mimi's garden
remember he loved them... ;)

and pushed on his little eyeballs
or what if i willed him to indeed be
harry potter???
this was buddy on his way home from his

harry potter???

1st eye dr. appt.
they said he did need glasses
and that they had this blue pair
or this pink pair.
i guess i'll take the blue?
so anywhooo
what does this have to with me being nice?
well in case you didn't know
everyone LOVES
a baby with glasses
there are some days when i would like to run into
the grocery store and grab some milk
without having to talk to every single
tom, dick, harry, mary, sally, bubba
and grandma,
about how their sisters neighbors uncles baby
had to have glasses and after 15 surgeries
he's now completely walleyed!
"how did you know he needed glasses?"
"are those for real?"
"what's he suppose to be?"
(a real question i got at the chicago airport)
"oh look!, it's baby harry potter!!!!"
i feel like forrest gumps mom sometimes
"What you never seen a baby with glasses on his face before?"
"Those eyes would be huge on a cow!!!"
it's like he's a super star
yesterday we were eating lunch with
MiMi and PaPa and this
very sweet lady came over
and talked to us for about 20 minutes
about her grandson who has glasses
(his last name really is potter!!!)
they point and stare
and nudge their friends as they whisper
look at that baby wearing glasses
answer all their questions patiently,
laugh at their silly jokes,
tell the with a smile that he is
not suppose to "be" anything
and yes they are indeed real glasses
try not to worry about my frozen broccoli melting in my
shopping cart
as they tell me about their nieces 25th surgery
and just be sweet.
i get it
he's cute.
thank God jackamo is a people person
and thrives in
ALLL the attention!
and well my brother turned out GREAT!
my mom did receive the patience she prayed for
and i am slowly but surely starting to hate people
less and less
love you all!