i started my
"black & white wall"
(before sam)
when i lived in my condo
i took some of my very favorite pictures
set them to black and white
and (with lots of help from my mom)
framed away
i figured i should add some more
there is one from when we started dating,
a few from our honeymoon and wedding,
some of favorite babies
(before i had my own)

mom and dad's wedding
our wedding
great grandma thompson (my great grandma)
with dad at his high school graduation
sexy feathered hair
sexy feathered hair
Then came jackamo and
my stairwell
or would it be staircase??
i ran out of wall space going up the stairs
and he was just too cute
to not black and white every single picture
of every breath he took.
i needed to start a new black and white wall
but change it up...
black frames :)
i was gonna put up
(mind you jack was only 5 months
when i did this wall and there were hundreds to choose from)
gotta love that face!
on the bottom is GG LePore
up top is sammy's grandma duke
i wish with all my heart i could have met her
she is vicki's mom
her name was Lilian
and if this baby is a girl
we are going to name her
after herthe middle is jackamo and nana
(sammy's mom)
she's an amazing nana
and loves jack more than i think she
thought possible
on the bottom is GG LePore
that is sammy's grandma
we are very blessed to have this
great grandma in our lives
i am sure they were shopping :)
mom also made this one

robbie bought us the "L"
my 30th birthday
she did lots of photo shoots with
jackamo when she watched him
i'm thinkin he wasn't feelin
jackamo when she watched him
i'm thinkin he wasn't feelin
the leprechaun hat
on the right is
me and my 14 year old dad
okay i lie he was at least 19
and on the left is jackamo
and on the left is jackamo
and my dad
in the same bunny suit
would have been even more impressive if my
dad could still fit into his
powder blue suit!!
buddy and daddy buddy
sleeping in laguna...
be still my heart
as sammy was hanging all these pictures
he said that either we needed to stop having kids
or get a house with more walls...
looks like neither of those things are happening
but i do have a beautiful blank wall in my kitchen
and wanted to do something
unique with it
so we started a
Hook Wall
and can i just say
i am in LORVE
when we moved into this house
and the other two are just fun finds
so stinkin cute!
from jen
so cute
and lilacs are
my favorite flowers
and since they don't grown well in the desert
(trust me. my dad has bought me many lilac bushes)
it makes me happy to have them in my kitchen
it makes me happy to have them in my kitchen
vik bought us this
hook/beer opener
hook/beer opener
it's jack's woof woof now
and he kisses it goodnight everyday!
plus it reminds me of cigar
plus it reminds me of cigar
RIP bud!
i was just so excited about my pretty walls
i thought i would share
and if you ever find yourself thinking
"i love nikki so much and i just wanna buy her something"
wink wink
i like hooks
and lilacsplease no glitter or feathers :)
ps: i really do need more walls, there's another on the way