6 months ago today my sweet little chunk was born

Getting professional pictures taken of him
is not an easy task

Sam and I tried to get his
Halloween/Thanksgiving/6 month
pictures taken last Saturday
but Mr. Buddy was not having it!

So yesterday MiMi and I took him in for
Round 2.

And I must say the lady did a great job.

Really with this face!!!

I just L-O-V-E it

All he needs is a pipe

MiMi and PopPop bought buddy this
balarious outfit!!!

Wanna buy a paper?


Please no more!!!!
Sweet sweet pumpkin boy
You are my wish come true
everyday my cup and heart runneth over
with love for you
your smile melts my heart
and i love you to the
moon and back
and back and forth.
Way to be 6 months!!!
LOVE this outfit!!
So stinkin' cute!!! I love it!!
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