had to drive half way across town
just to get the J and the C
I always said i was going to do brown and baby blue
for a boy and
brown and light pink for a girl...
i also said i would never "find out" the sex of the baby either..
i lie.
there just wasn't alot of banly (that's baby and manly)
there just wasn't alot of banly (that's baby and manly)
blue and brown bedding out there.
Then I saw these puppy dogs and just knew.
However, i will say that when he is out of is crib and
a little bigger i totally wanna
do a cowboy or airplane room
Jack has lots of stuffed animals
crib, changing table, and dresser
it's the nicest furniture we own
sammy and i hope to use it someday!!
it is a "convertible crib"
but i am sure we will use the same crib
for the next baby or two
(or as my dad would like 4 more)
yes folks he would like 5 grandbabies
so the 3rd or 5th kid will get it as a big kid bed.
(all these pics were taken in july...
that's how long i have been meaning
to post this)
that she doesn't understand why he won't
sleep through the night
he has the nicest baby room ever...
maybe i should check under the mattress
for some left over peas..
Merry Christmas Eve ya'all..
Jesus is the Reason For The Season
I am sure i will have an overload of pics
and things to post during buddy's
1st Christmas...