Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jack Be Nimble - Oh GG

oh the many faces of Jack-a-Mo i love this little babe so very much
and sometimes well....
he is just too cute for his own good.
especially hanging out at MiMi's so early in the morning
wearing the onies GG Peggy made
(side note: the "Hot Momma's Hottie" onies from yesterday was made by Miss Kathy from work!)
this is Jack's face when you tell him "no, no"

this is his pirate face
he is practicing for his birthday party

this is his
"Oh, shoooot girl"

this is his
"i'm so i excited cause i just saw a puppy"
this is his face when his
MiMi tickles him

please note his sweet chin, round cheeks
his second chin
(it's right behind his 1st one)

slow down little fella
out of the way

there was a fire in
Mi's kitchen he had to get there quick!

it's kinda funny how many nursery rhymes have "Jack" in them..
Jack Be Nimble...
Jack and Jill went up...
Jack Sprat could eat no fat...
Little Jack Horner...
The house that Jack built...
Hmm Just a thought

just another video of this re-donk boy!


I have a sweet friend Jackie who is having two sweet bebe girls in a few months and she found out today that Alan (her husband) will not be able to be in the US for the birth of the girls. If you like to pray for people, send a prayer our two their way and check out her blog to follow their journey. much love, nik

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