My nursery was red checkered with a Ragged Ann and Andy theme
When the moon hits your eye like a big-a pizza pie, That's LePore! When the world seems to shine like you had too much wine, That's LePore!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wrapped Up In Your Love
My nursery was red checkered with a Ragged Ann and Andy theme
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Two Posts In One Day? - Video for Grandma
These are for you Nana LeRossi (for those of you who don't know... that's Sam's mom, she just moved to Chicago in Feb. and misses her baby very much!. Of course her last name is LePore, but she is getting married in the fall to Grandpa Rob and her new last name will be Rossi, so... we call her "Nana LeRossi" for now!)
Baby Jack has found his hands... His glorious, delicious hands!
Here are some big smiles!!! Jack thinks his PaPa (my dad) is ho-lar-e-ous!!
He is a pretty funny guy!
Boobies and Speeding Tickets

The real reason i speed home is because i miss him so much my heart is gonna explode!!! Come on wouldn't yours?

So happy together...

Friday, July 24, 2009
3 Months Already??

For his one month birthday we went to the fish hatchery, buddy rode up front with Daddy (just kidding).

After a night out clubbing he had breakfast the next morning with Aunt Mi and Nana at The Four Seasons brunch.
Thanks to Jack, Sammy can now be celebrated on Father's Day. We love you Papa and Daddy!!
Mommy, Daddy and Jack went to Laguna for a long weekend. He was the best boy the whole trip. My mom and dad let us borrrow their big ol' car that has rear air and watch our boo dog for us. Thanks guys!
The day after we got home from the trip we discovered that our sweet baby got pink eye. Damn dirty pelicans!
My sweet cousin Carlee was and town and Aunti Mi got us tickets to the Shark Reef pretty stinkin cool!
He celebrated his 1st fourth of July, which was the 4 year anniversary of our engagment.
Thank goodness my mom and dad have an awesome back yard with a great pool, it's hot in vegas, especially for this guy. Lots of pool days!This was his 1st pool day. "No Uncle Robbie don't eat me!"
Jack partied it up for Uncle Robbie's 25th birthday!
Last night we had my parents over for tri tip and key lime pie to celebrate Jack's 3 month birthday. My wonderful friend Jen has a sweet baby too, Mr. Benjamin Turner, who just turned 6 months. She is so awesome for giving us Ben's "old" clothes (he has so many he only wears them once, that and he grows really fast!) This is one of the outfits she just gave us!
He didn't think it was so funny.
Happy 1/4 Birthday sweet baby Jack.
You are no longer an infant you are offically a baby so this....